Going to GDC 2016

I have decided to go to the next Game Developers Conference in 2016. I have always wanted to go and for the first time I have convinced myself that could afford to go. I think it's a step in the right direction since I would like to be developing games as a career, currently this is more of hobby while I work full-time as a software engineer at some big corporation. At the moment it seems like I have everything to gain by going to GDC.

Before I go to the conference, there are things I want to have done or at least started. First would be to have a website for the studio I want to start. At the time I'm writing all this I have purchased a handful of domain names and need to choose a place to host the site. The second thing I want to have is the studio to be a registered company. I know don't need to do this, but I would like to have some legal protection when I eventually put games on app stores. 

Now to figure out how I'm paying for all this (Flights, Hotel, GDC Pass, etc...)

Anthony Jones