Business Cards

In preparation for GDC I have been reading a lot of stuff (blogs, forums, articles, and reddit) on what to bring and expect from GDC, and one thing that keeps coming up is that I need to give and receive business cards as I meet people and make connections. So step one, I have to know what to put on the cards and I immediately got stuck on what title to use. On my personal business cards I put 'Software Developer' but then I thought I should use 'Game Developer' which sounds perfect since that's what I have been doing in most of my free time. Then read that Game Developer would be too general especially at GDC where it is assumed you are a game developer in some aspect, so I ended up using 'Game Programmer' as a title. 

After changing the info side of the card, I needed some cool designs for the back. I honestly sunk a lot of time into this part  and ended up learning more about how to use Adobe Illustrator in the process. 

And here they are on printed cards

Anthony Jones