Summer Updates

I have been busy working on this game and getting it running well. One of the biggest updates I have is something that may not be the most visible, the frame rate. A lot of time in the last couple months has gone into optimizing the code so the game runs smoother.  My goal is to get the game running at 60 frames per seconds, but right now it's running a little lower than that.

There are some more visible updates too. such as... 

visual effects

There are now smacking effects when enemies are hit and you can see the points pop up from them. When you tap the bacon to eat it there is text that pops to let you know how well the bacon was cooked. Then there are the wave titles that drop down to show progress. Speaking of waves, there are some splashing effects for the sharks and dolphins too.


The tutorial

The tutorial got an update too, mostly because of a change in the game mechanics. Now instead dragging the bacon to the cooking spots you just tap the cooking spots to start cooking bacon.

After playing through the tutorials of other mobile games I decided to conform and lose the thumbs in favor of a finger tapping animation of a hand. 


Anthony Jones